DIY Vertical Pallet Garden

DIY Vertical Pallet Garden

Inspired by so many pallet gardens I’ve seen on the interwebs, I decided to give it a try myself when I stumbled upon this lucky find. Amazing what one can accomplish with a little leftover paint and some elbow grease!




Create your own Vertical Pallet Garden to usher in Spring.



I was lucky to find a healthy looking pallet on the side of the road, so I tossed it in the trunk and brought my newest treasure home.


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I asked hubby to be a dear and rearrange and reinforce some of the slats on the back.


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Hubby also nailed some 1″x4″s to the bottoms of the shelves. (Arrows indicate reinforcements) He nailed a 2″x4″ to the very bottom for additional support. Then I lightly sanded it to remove splintered wood.


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Painted it with old leftover paint from the trim of the house.


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Used staple gun to staple black gardening plastic to the back and to line each shelf.


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Looked for an inspiring gardening quote to stencil onto front.


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This quote felt just right.


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Filled up shelves with potting soil and planted my blooms.

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